Mother and Daughter Collect Coupons to Help U.S. Troops

Butterfield Trail Village

Butterfield resident Mayme Strange and her daughter, Jo Ruth Strange, have clipped and collected approximately $400,000 worth of coupons for an organization that helps U.S. military members and their families.

The women collect the coupons on behalf of Butterfield for the organization Coups for Troops: Clipping Coupons for a Cause. Coups for Troops is a nationwide program that makes the lives of soldiers and their families a little easier by shipping coupons directly to them.

Over the past four years, Mayme and Jo Ruth have collected approximately $1.3 million worth of coupons on behalf of BTV. Mother and daughter have both had friends and family serve in the military and it’s a cause that is near and dear to their hearts.

“It’s an easy way to provide some help to those who are protecting our country,” said Jo-Ruth, a retired school teacher who works part-time at BTV as an evening receptionist.

Residents can bring their coupons to several locations on the Village campus. Mayme sorts them, and Jo-Ruth will do any trimming needed and mail them to the organization.

The program accepts manufacturer coupons only. They can be expired by up to six months as U.S. military families can redeem coupons six months past the expiration date.

For more info, contact Jo Ruth Strange at (479) 530-7075.