Beautiful Flowers, Both Grown and Sewn

June Colwell and Faye Edmondson with June’s quilt, “Faye’s Flowers”

Living at Butterfield provides an opportunity to build very special, mutually appreciative relationships. Often, unique skills and achievements of BTV residents are on display and made available for all to enjoy. In the case of apartment neighbors June Colwell and Faye Edmondson, one friend’s talents provided direct inspiration for the other friend’s creative abilities.   

June, an accomplished quilter with an outstanding eye for color, has been motivated over the years by the ongoing work of Edmondson, a prolific gardener and excellent floral arranger. Faye is well known throughout the Village for the cut flowers she cultivates in the Butterfield community garden – and arranges into stunning public displays for all to enjoy throughout the summer growing season. 

Selecting vibrant fabrics representative of Faye’s gorgeous florals, June created a quilt she has affectionately entitled, “Faye’s Flowers.” She explained that Faye’s hard work and incredible green thumb have been bringing joy to others for a long time. Each of June’s quilts feature a small handwritten panel on a back lower corner, describing the title of the work, a quote or inspiration, and her name, location and date of completion. Finished in November 2021, her cheerful piece honors Faye with the words, “She brightens our village and our hearts.” 

When asked how seeing the quilt made her feel, Faye was uncharacteristically emotional – sharing that it has made her shed humble tears of happiness and appreciation. She was quick to express her gratitude and awe at June’s skill, insisting that her own flower arrangements are not a result of her capabilities but actually a gift from God to be shared. 

Faye Edmondson’s flower arrangements